Jarosław Pawluk, President of the Management Board of the Track Tec S.A. Group, a leading supplier of railway track superstructure components, has received a prestigious distinction: he has been selected the Rail Transport Man of the Year. The distinction for outstanding achievements in the railway industry is awarded every year by representatives of the government administration, personalities of high standing in the industry and scientific research, and also by market experts and practitioners.

The distinction was awarded as part of the Man of the Year, Friend of Railways competition, which is one of the most valued initiatives of the type in the railway industry, held by the PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe company and by the Railway Business Forum. The primary purpose of the competition is to honour for outstanding achievements individuals who through their professional activity contribute to the development of rail transport in Poland. Winners are selected from amongst individuals entered by the Competition Committee, companies, institutions and Internet users. The members of a standing jury who ultimately evaluate the candidates are: Remigiusz Paszkiewicz, President of the Management Board of PKP PLK S.A., Henryk Klimkiewicz, Chairman of the Management Board of Railway Business Forum and Jakub Karnowski, President of the Management Board and CEO of PKP S.A. Apart from the permanent members of the Committee, representatives of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Economy, the Sejm Infrastructure Committee and the Office of Rail Transportation and others were invited to assess the candidates.

“Since the beginning of my professional activity I have been convinced that the industry needs to develop incessantly. I’m glad about the fact that such a significant input of the companies operating under my direction into the technical thought for the benefit of the Polish railway industry has been appreciated. My priority has always been and will always be top quality of products and services. It is a strategy that not only pays off in business, but is also of great importance in the context of widely understood economic and social development,” summed up Jarosław Pawluk, President of the Management Board of the Track Tec S.A. Group.

Mr Pawluk began his professional career at the end of the 80’s in German concerns, Henkel and Ruetgers (presently RAG Coal International). In 1992 he established companies named Vector Union Chem and Petro CarboChemRohstoffhandelsgesellschaft GmbH, which he then transformed into Chem Trans Logistics Holding Polska S.A. (presently CTL Logistics). Under his management the CTL concern became a leader on the European market of private rail cargo carriers.

The currently managed by Mr Pawluk Track Tec Group is thriving on the domestic market and beyond. The following key innovations offered by Track Tec from the beginning of its activity this year are worth mentioning:

  • design, as the first domestic manufacturer, of a structure of prototype and so-far largest turnout in Poland with a diameter of 2,500 m;
  • design of a special car for transporting assembled turnouts, which enables shortening by a half the track closure period required for replacement of turnouts, and limiting difficulties for carriers on the operated lines;
  • preparation of a solution offering an advantage of reducing expenditures on turnout maintenance during their life (the so-called point rollers integrated with a sliding plate).

The market has also appreciated the activity of the Track Tec company in various fields. During the latest TRAKO International Railway Fair 2013, the Company received as many as three awards: in the Engineer Ernest Malinowski Competition for a design facilitating turnout operation, the MediaKreator award for proactive information and promotion policy, and for the best company stand from amongst those prepared by more than 500 exhibitors from 25 countries.

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