As part of its expanding international footprint, the Track Tec Group has introduced its products to a new market. The next destination on the map of the Company’s customers is Canada, where turnouts manufactured at the Track Tec Koltram plant in Zawadzkie have been supplied.

Supplies to the Canadian market pose a great challenge for Track Tec. The special requirements with respect to the manufacturing process and logistics had to be met so as to raise not the slightest objection on the part of the customer. This was a test lot to confirm the technology level, quality and expediency of delivery across the Atlantic. We can now say that cooperation with our partner in Canada will be continued.

“The dynamic growth of Track Tec on international markets is a result of the increasing interest in partnering with the Group, which allows us to consistently expand our customer portfolio. We thus expect further orders for our products to come from abroad soon,” sums up Jarosław Pawluk, President of the Management Board of Track Tec S.A.
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