Pursuing the strategy of growth through innovation, the Track Tec Group, managed by Jarosław Pawluk, modernised its laboratory that supervised the quality of pre-stressed concrete sleeper elements. Employment of latest solutions guarantees the highest quality of products and enables the Group to adapt its product and service offer to the expectations of both domestic and European business partners.
The laboratory in Goczałków, a member of the Track Tec Group, carries out complex tests of fresh concrete, used for the production of sleepers, of hardened concrete and of the materials used in a manufacturing process, as well as carries out tests of compliance with applicable standards, to confirm the quality of final products. The modernisation of the testing unit and support from experienced personnel with the highest market skills provide for very precise monitoring of any railroad infrastructure element manufactured by the Group at every stage of its manufacturing process.
Since the beginning of its operations, the Track Tec Group has been focused on consistent implementation of innovative solutions in its member companies, thus strengthening its competitive advantages, also beyond the domestic market. The modernised laboratory is another step, after a complex modification of the Group’s logistic process maintenance and automation solutions, compatible with the Lean Manufacturing concept, on the road to constant improvement of processes and building the position of the industry leader.