Track Tec was again awarded for the achievements in the field of rail transportation this year. The company won this time the prize “Symbol 2013“ that is awarded by the daily newspaper „Dziennik Gazeta Prawna“.

The Track Tec Group has been honored with the “Symbol 2013” in the category “Railway Engineering” for the ability to meet not only the highest requirements of the domestic market but also the needs of foreign trade partners. This is possible thanks to the company’s consistent financial investment in its own laboratories, that ensure a very accurate and continuous inspection of the production quality.

In the grounds for the judgment the member of the Prize Committee pointed out that “The company’s customers are currently all domestic contractors of investment projects that are active in the railway infrastructure sector – including the tram infrastructure – as well as on the industrial railways, among others in the ports and mines”. PL  The members of the prize committee also drew attention to the size of Track Tec’s share in the railway infrastructure market in Poland which currently stands at almost 50 percent.

„The past months have brought us many important awards showing that the contribution of the group to the development of technical thinking as well as the highest standard of production and services have been noticed in the industry. The Track Tec brand is getting stronger and stronger that is also reflected in the systematic expansion of the scope of our activity” – summed up Jarosław Pawluk – CEO of Track Tec S.A.

The company’s potential has recently been confirmed in several events that are of particular importance to the industry. This month the CEO of Track Tec was honored with a “Man of the Year in Rail“ award for his significant contribution to the development of rail transport in Poland. Two months earlier the company was awarded in an Ernest Malinowski competition for the project to improve the operation of a railroad track during the International Railway Fair TRAKO 2013. At the same event the company was also awarded with a MediaKreator prize for having an active information and promotion policy as well as an award for the best company stand of over 500 exhibitors.

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