Once again, Track Tec Group participated in the Scientific and Technical Conference entitled “Designing, construction and maintenance of infrastructure in rail transport” – INFRASZYN 2019, which was organised by the Polish Association of Engineers and Technicians of Transportation (SITK RP). Track Tec Group was the general partner of the conference.

The aim of the conference is to review current and modern technical and technological solutions 
in rail transport in Poland and Europe, in the area of infrastructure (track surface, traction network, power supply, railway traffic control devices, telecommunications, environmental protection) of conventional railways, high-speed railways, underground railways, broad-gauge and narrow-gauge railways, trams and mountain railways. At the event, the effectiveness of investment and modernisation activities was assessed and the issue of promoting products for the construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure on the Polish and EU markets was raised.

During the 3-day meeting in Zakopane, the invited guests could participate in a number of specialised panel discussions hosted by leading representatives of the railway industry, professors from universities from all over the country and conference partners. Among other things, legal, organisational, economic and technical aspects of the implementation of infrastructure investments in rail transport with the use of EU procedures were discussed. Krzysztof Niemiec, Vice-President of the Board at Track Tec S.A., presented the Group’s innovative technology – the “Turnout Installation Train”.

“Modern technology allowing for a safe transport of assembled railway turnout blocks, while maintaining their geometric parameters, is more and more often required by the Polish Railway Lines (PLK). Thanks to the Turnout Installation Train, Track Tec Group is currently the national leader in this field of logistics,” said Krzysztof Niemiec during the conference.

By participating in the 12th edition of the conference, the Group could not only showcase its innovative solutions and products, but also exchange its views and experiences with representatives of the railway industry.

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