The winners of the prestigious “Kreator Budownictwa Roku” (“Construction Creator of the Year”) project were selected for the ninth time. Marita Szustak, President of the Management Board at Track Tec Construction, and Track Tec Construction company were among the awarded winners. The awards were presented in appreciation of innovative solutions and care for the quality of services.
The title of “Kreator Budownictwa Roku” (“Construction Creator of the Year”) is awarded to individuals and companies for outstanding creativity and passion for creation, thus influencing the realities of the construction sector. With their actions, the Construction Creators of the Year contribute to developing the market and creating trends in construction, and may set an example for ethical conduct. With their activities, the award winners are shaping the construction market, introduce innovations, ensure the quality of their products and services, as well as apply green solutions and implement new technologies.
Track Tec Construction is a Track Tec Group company. The company specialises in executing rail works and implementing rail and engineering construction projects in Poland, including specialist tracks works. The company’s objective is to support the Track Tec Group in executing rail infrastructure construction projects.
‘Being awarded in such an important industry competition and finding ourselves among the most important construction companies and specialists is a precious distinction to us. This is not the first time that a Track Tec company is presented an award, and we do not intend to rest on our laurels. We will continue to invest in innovation and maintain the highest possible quality of our services. The award is a motivation for us to pursue further efforts to develop the construction sector,’ said Marita Szustak, President of the Management Board at Track Tec Construction Sp. z o.o.
Marita Szustak has been the President of the Management Board and Sales Director at Track Tec Construction since April 2016 and is responsible for the effective development of Track Tec Group’s market advantages in Poland and abroad. Previously, she held executive positions in contractor companies from the rail construction sector, serving as: Vice-President, Marketing and Development Director at Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Kolejowych i Inżynieryjnych (PRKiI) and Vice-President of the Management Board and Sales Director at Trakcja PRKiI. For many years, she has been actively involved in the activities of industry organisations seeking to better the conditions on the rail construction market.
This year, the ceremonial gala for the 2019 Construction Creator of the Year Awards was held in the Palace on the Isle at the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw. Once again, the whole project was organised under the honorary patronage of the Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers.