Track Tec Group provided substantive support to the next edition of EEC Trends on February 17-18, 2021. This year, due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, the event was held remotely. Krzysztof Niemiec, Vice President of the Board of Directors of Track Tec, and Marita Szustak, President of the Board of Directors of Track Tec Construction, spoke during the “INVEST” panel on infrastructure investments in the new European and national perspective.
The name of the event, EEC Trends, indicates its direct connection with the European Economic Congress (EEC), the largest event of its kind in Central Europe. Discussions held as part of the event lay the groundwork for the EEC 2021 agenda. Thanks to the new virtual form of organization, the debate was able to reach an even wider audience, enriching joint discussions on important ideas, models of action and technologies in the Polish, European and global economies. Continuing the tradition of the Forum We Change Polish Industry, EEC Trends provides a venue for important debates on the prospects and directions of development of the Polish economy.
Although in a slightly different form than before, we are happy to have once again participated in EEC Trends. As an international Group, we follow the latest trends present in the market and react to them. We very much appreciate the opportunity to exchange views with other industry professionals and entrepreneurs. A great opportunity to do so was the “INVEST” session, in which we participated, due to the topics close to our Group’s activities related to the rail freight market in Poland,” said Krzysztof Niemiec, Vice Chairman of the Board of Track Tec.
The “INVEST” panel covered issues related to infrastructure investments in the perspective of European funding, as well as rail infrastructure in Poland. An important thread of the debate was the analysis of the demanding assumptions and goals of the Green Deal in the Polish reality, as well as the discussion of key investments in the railroad sector in the near future. In his speech, Krzysztof Niemiec pointed out the key role of investment in the industry for its development and specialization, following the example of Western countries such as Spain and Austria.
They also discussed the prospects for sustainable infrastructure, as well as market requirements in this context. In their statements, speakers expressed concern about the new European funding perspective for the rail industry. Track Tec Constructions CEO Marita Szustak stressed, however, that despite the concerns of many manufacturers and contractors, there is no threat of a shortage of materials or execution capacity. In addition to representatives of the Track Tec Group, the session featured speakers including Jakub Majewski, President of the ProKolej Foundation, Arnold Bresch, Member of the Board and Investment Director of PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A., and Mikołaj Wild, President of the Management Board of Central Port Komunikacyjny Sp. z o.o.
EEC Trends is an alternative to traditional forums and congresses. The event is a set of diverse, dynamic forms – discussions, meetings, talks and presentations – subordinated to particular trends. It was attended by more than 700 guests from home and abroad. Among them were representatives of business, politics, academia and public administration. The first edition was held on February 25, 2020 in Warsaw.