Once again, Track Tec Group was an exhibitor at the INNOTRANS fair, held on 18–21 September in Berlin. Numerous business talks and exchanges of technical information took place at the eagerly visited fair stand of the Group. During this industry’s biggest event of 2018, Track Tec presented the innovative Smart Railway Turnout, among other things.

The R500 1:12 turnout integrated with the electro hydraulic Alstom SmartDrive (HyDrive) was the solution presented at the outdoor exhibition. The drive connected to a universal interface not only carries out turnout and drive diagnostics but is also compatible, in principle, with any control system. The interface was developed in cooperation with MONAT. The turnout is equipped with induction heating prepared together with AREX from WB Electronics Group. The innovative induction heating system allows for faster heating of movable parts of the turnout, only in places where it is necessary. This solution has received numerous awards, e.g. during the 2017 TRAKO fair.

The turnout with Alstom SmartDrive is currently undergoing performance tests at the Psary train station of the Central Rail Line. In Italy, Alstom SmartDrive has been approved for the speed over 300 km/h, which is the speed of high speed trains.

The popularity of the fair stand inside the hall is a sign of continuously increasing recognition of Track Tec among foreign clients. The group of regular recipients grows, whereas established contacts more and more often translate into actual business relations.

The opportunity to hold a meeting at the round table with the representatives of the American research institute – Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) – American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and Metra suburban rail was a great distinction for Track Tec Group.

Andrzej Cholewa, PhD, a member of the Management Board and CTO of Track Tec S.A., led the meeting, whose main goal was to exchange information about the problems on the American market and about the approach towards research and approval. In particular, the meeting was about railway sleepers.

The talks at the round table are another proof of constant technological expansion of Track Tec and search for new opportunities on foreign markets. – said Jarosław Pawluk, PhD, Eng., CEO of Track Tec Group.

The opportunity to perform tests in the United States is a chance for us to broaden the experience we have gained thus far on the European market. – added Andrzej Cholewa, PhD. In the long term, application of our technological solutions guarantees benefits for the railways as well as their users. Application of the technology suggested by Track Tec contributes to greater reliability and durability of railway sleepers, which also helps to optimise investment expenses – he concluded.

The prestigious Innotrans fair and accompanying events were an opportunity to present innovative products of Track Tec Group to a wide international audience and to observe the directions of development as well as the latest trends in the railway industry.

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