The innovative Track Tec product, a moveable point frog, won Engineer Ernest Malinowski award during TRAKO Fair in Gdańsk. The highest competences of Track Tec experts were appreciated once again.
The Engineer Ernest Malinowski Competition is an industry initiative valued by both Polish and foreign railway innovators. The award granted to Track Tec Group during this year’s TRAKO Fair is a confirmation that the Group has consistently been one of the most innovative companies offering system solutions for railway infrastructure.
“Our moveable point frog with cast base, advanced hydraulic drive system, switch point rollers for easier repositioning and a diagnostics system integrated in a smart turnout solves problems found in classic turnout designs. This solution is far ahead of the ones used in the market until now,” said Dr. Eng. Andrzej Cholewa, Member of the Management Board, Track Tec S.A.
The cast base in Track Tec’s frog eliminates numerous bolted joints, improving the rigidity of the structure and minimizing the need for maintenance and operational works. The technologies used and the modern drive with hydraulic coupling resulted in a completely new product quality. Classic moveable point frog designs made of rails and steel sheets have many bolted and welded elements. The base on which the moving points operate requires continuous maintenance and has limited rigidity. Another disadvantage of classic solutions is the inability to use plastic rail pads under wing rails and elastic fastenings within the frog’s centre. This causes a significantly different elastic effect at the wheel-rail contact point in comparison to a plain track. The innovative Track Tec’s frog eliminates these problems altogether.
The Engineer Ernest Malinowski Competition is dedicated to railway products and technical innovations presented at TRAKO Fair. The evaluation covers products and technologies related to the theme of the fair and submitted by both Polish and foreign participating companies.