Track Tec Group took part at the international fair Middle East Rail in Dubai on 17 – 18 March. Being a global company, Track Tec introduced its products and services for the first time in Dubai during the Middle East Rail. The event was supported by the government of United Arab Emirates.

Annual Middle East Rail in Dubai is supported by Ministry of Public Works UAE. This year, the event attracted over 6,000 visitors. Every year in March, Dubai gathers over 220 companies from 32 countries. Presenting Track Tec’s innovative railway construction products on prestigious Middle East Rail is one of the company’s strategic goals to actively expand its international clients and product portfolio. Open mind, cutting edge ideas and effective policy management help the company to deliver products on nearly every continent.

“Having great production capabilities and a team of professional engineers guarantee that our products deliver high quality and reliability. In my opinion, these factors are a foundation stone for our success helping to become a strong international leader. Middle East Rail in Dubai was an amazing chance to reach new clients from far-distant countries,”’’” – said Jarosław Pawluk, President of the Management Board of Track Tec S.A.

Since Track Tec Group was established in 2010, it continuously expands its portfolio. Recently, the company acquired the turnouts and tension clamps business in Coswig (Saxony-Anhalt) from ThyssenKrupp GfT Gleistechnik GmbH. Additionally, the company has started a new specialist railway construction and engineering Centre – Track Tec Construction based in Wrocław. Yet, these are not the only steps in the company’s dynamic growth. In 2013, the company set up a plant in the technology park in Leuna (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) manufacturing and assembling new and regenerated turnouts and its components as well as specialist track superstructure devices. The company is leveraging its global reach also through the office in Riga and its company – Track Tec GmbH serving to German and export railway market.

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