During this year’s TRAKO International Railway Fair the Track Tec group honoured once again the best theses in the field of transport infrastructure, as part of the competition for the Award of the President of the Management Board of Track Tec. The event, held on a regular basis already, aims to promote young engineers as well as their research focused on development of new innovative industry solutions.

The Track Tec Group, a leading provider of system solutions for transport infrastructure, has stressed a number of times the importance of new technologies in the railway sector as well as the necessity of continuous development and implementation of innovative solutions. Therefore, in the course of its business, it supports actively the education and personal development of engineers within the rail industry and promotes research in the field of construction, materials engineering, railway automation, interplay of both the rolling stock and the track superstructure and also environmental protection. Year by year, the competition for the Award of the President of the Management Board of Track Tec is becoming increasingly popular.

The selected theses include those with special focus on aspects related to the railway infrastructure in its wider sense. The awards have been given to three authors whose theses provide outstanding approaches to increasing the innovation within the industry and draw interesting conclusions on the basis of detailed analyses.

„I would like to offer my compliments to all the participants. The awarded theses show huge commitment from the young people, are the result of true passion, looking without fear into the future as well as efforts to make the rail freight more competitive and to encourage the development of technical solutions. I am very pleased that these people will create the future of Polish transport infrastructure and that Track Tec contributes to supporting and promoting engineering careers” – said Jarosław Pawluk, President of the Management Board oft he Group Track Tec S.A.

The award presentation by the President of the Management Board of the Track Tec S.A. Group and the jury took place as part of an official cocktail reception at the company’s stand, during TRAKO 2015 International Railway Fair. The authors of the three best theses received a money prize.

This year’s jury included:

  • Assistant Professor Dr. Eng. Jacek Kijeński (Industrial Chemistry Research Institute in Warsaw);
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Eng. Jerzy Kisilowski (University of Technology and Humanities in Radom);
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Eng. Wiesław Kurdowski (Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials in Krakow);
  • Assistant Professor Dr. Eng. Janusz Dyduch (University of Technology and Humanities in Radom);
  • Dr. Eng. Andrzej Cholewa (Track Tec)

The theses were presented to the jury on 17th September 2015. Thereafter, the jury members submitted a special recommendation with the names of their candidates for the award to the President of the Management Board of Track Tec. The competition winners are:

  • 1st place – Aleksandra Bochenek from the Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials in Krakow for the thesis „Impact of selected zinc phases on cement properties”;
  • 2nd place – Marcin Kubicki from the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom for the thesis „Track laying impact on the equivalent conicity”;
  • 3rd place – Sylwia Pająk from the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom for the thesis „Crossing diagnostics”.

The jury also dedicated two special mentions for Dominika Adach and Sylwia Makowska.

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