Track Tec Group, the leading international provider of solutions for railway infrastructure, received the 2019 Polish Railway Award in the Innovation category. The globally pioneering solution – the R1200 turnout, which was developed and implemented by Track Tec, once again received due praise and appreciation.
The R1200 turnout with its movable crosshead is integrated into the Alstom HyDrive hydraulic drive, and together they provide a compact, modular design of high technical availability. The turnout can be fitted with the innovative induction heating system. This solution is protected by a European patent. The turnout was installed at Psary station near the Central Railway Junction (South Poland). It is designed for a speed of 250 km/h when driving straight ahead.
“Track Tec is a company with a strong focus on innovation, which is why we are constantly working to develop new solutions that allow us to participate in the modernisation of the Polish railways and to conquer foreign markets. The award we received shows that the industry is observant of what we do, as well as of the quality and innovation offered by our products, through which we contribute to the changes taking place in the railway sector,” said Krzysztof Niemiec, Vice-President of the Board at Track Tec S.A.
The globally pioneering solution has already been recognised in the prestigious Eng. Józef Nowkuński Special Award Competition (INFRASTRUCTURE category) during the TRAKO International Railway Fair. At the time, it was pointed out that the solution could generate huge savings for infrastructure managers. Track Tec Group also won the “Railway Market Locomotive of 2017” award in the “Innovation” category for its induction heating system used in turnouts.
The Polish Railway Awards is a competition that was created as part of a project initiated by the President of the Railway Transport Office, the PKP Polish State Railways, PKP PLK Polish Railway Lines, the Economic Chamber of Land Transport and the Railway Business Forum, an employers’ association. The competition aims to promote Polish railways and integrate the rail transport community. The awards were granted on 23 May 2019 in Warsaw, during a ceremonial gala.