Track Tec Group, as an innovator in the field of systemic solutions for railway infrastructure, endeavours to consistently raise standards in the industry. Yesterday, at the TRAKO International Railway Fair, the results of a competition for the best scientific work aimed at promoting and developing valuable research in the field of rail transport were announced.

The idea of the competition for the Track Tec President’s award is to recognise people who, through their scientific work, make a significant contribution to the development of the railway industry. Improvement of standards in terms of durability and safety of railway infrastructure is one of the Company’s priorities. Students and doctoral students awarded as part of the initiative will receive financial support and the opportunity to develop their skills in the structures of Track Tec.

The prizes were awarded to the following persons:

  • 1st place – Piotr Stępień from the AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics,
    for a doctoral thesis entitled “Influence of limestone gaize on the process of hydration of cements and their properties (pl. Wpływ gezy wapiennej na proces hydratacji cementów i ich właściwości)”;
  • 2nd place – Łukasz Bury from the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
    for a masters dissertation entitled “Construction of the track bed in the transition zone and its influence on the deformation of the railway surface (pl. Konstrukcja podtorza w strefie przejściowej i jej wpływ na deformacje nawierzchni kolejowej)”;
  • 3rd place – Lucyna Sokołowska from the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, for a doctoral thesis entitled “Analysis of integrated safety system in land transport on the example of level crossings (pl. Analiza zintegrowanego systemu bezpieczeństwa w transporcie lądowym na przykładzie przejazdów kolejowych)”.

Additionally, three more masters dissertations were awarded:

  • By Piotr Łazik from the Opole University of Technology, entitled “High strength and ultra-high strength concretes; testing the influence of the composition on their strength (pl. Betony wysokich wytrzymałości i ultrawysokich wytrzymałości; badanie wpływu składu na ich wytrzymałość)”;
  • By Rafał Obała from the Cracow University of Technology, entitled “Analysis of the significance of the change after the implementation of radio-controlled diesel locomotives to the railway siding servicing (pl. Analiza znaczenia zmiany po wdrożeniu do obsługi bocznicy kolejowej lokomotyw spalinowych sterowanych radiowo)”;
  • By Paulina Szabłowska from the Cracow University of Technology, entitled “Influence of geometrical and mechanical parameters on ribbon rails stability in horizontal plane (pl. Wpływ parametrów geometrycznych i mechanicznych na stateczność toru bezstykowego w płaszczyźnie poziomej)”.

“Our mission is to provide highest quality products and services, but we set standards high not only for ourselves. We see great potential in young people and the need to develop their innovative ideas.
Therefore, through the Track Tec competition, we decided to support them on their way to professional fulfilment in this interesting and promising industry,” said Jarosław Pawluk, Sc.D., the President of the Track Tec S.A. Group.

This year’s edition of the competition covered the following topics: construction, materials engineering, railway automation, interaction between railway rolling stock and road surface and environmental protection.

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