Track Tec Group took part in the XII Railway Congress – the largest cyclical event for representatives of the railroad industry. The organizers of the Railway Congress were Zespół Doradców Gospodarczych TOR, Railway Business Forum and the monthly magazine Railway Market, which broadcast the event on its website.

This year’s edition of the Congress focused primarily on summarizing the changes that have taken place in the industry since the last edition. Discussions included the situation of the rail industry in the face of the coming wave of pandemics, investment plans on the railroads, hydrogen technology in railroads, energy efficiency issues or challenges for freight and regional railroads. The war in Ukraine was also an important aspect of the discussion.

The organizers’ decision to summarize the changes that have taken place in the industry since the last edition of the event is, from our point of view, crucial in terms of building a strategy for the next few years. Thus, we are pleased that the Track Tec Group is an active participant in the industry discussion on the development of the Polish railroad in the face of the global political and economic situation. Participation in events integrating and developing the entire transport industry allows us to work out solutions affecting the development of the Polish economy – said Krzysztof Niemiec, Vice Chairman of the Board of Track Tec S.A.

The program of the Railway Congress included a debate on “Polish railroads in the face of the global political and economic situation,” in which one of the panelists was Marita Szustak, President of the Board of Directors and Commercial Director of Track Tec Construction. During the conversation with specialists from the transport industry, the topics of opportunities and threats for railroads in the era of global crises, rail investments in Poland after the two EU budget perspectives 2007-2020, and the implementation of development plans in the context of problems with EU and national funding were discussed. The debate was moderated by Łukasz Malinowski, Managing Director, Editor-in-Chief, TOR Economic Advisory Group.

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